Global outrage as the US vetoes UN Gaza ceasefire resolution.


The United States has faced widespread criticism from global leaders, international human rights organisations, and United Nations officials for vetoing a UN resolution that called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution, which aimed to halt a conflict responsible for over 17,400 Palestinian deaths and approximately 1,100 in Israel since October 7, failed to pass the UN Security Council. While the United States vetoed the proposal, Britain chose to abstain, with 13 of the 15 current United Nations Security Council members voting in favour.

The resolution, introduced by the United Arab Emirates and co-sponsored by 100 other nations, received opposition from Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood, who labelled it a hastily drafted and unbalanced text divorced from reality. He argued that the proposed ceasefire was unsustainable and would only set the stage for future conflicts.

Britain’s UN Ambassador, Barbara Woodward, justified her country’s abstention by pointing out the resolution’s lack of condemnation for Hamas. She emphasised the need for Israel to address the threat posed by Hamas in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law.

International Human Rights groups issued a joint statement, warning that by continuing to supply weapons and diplomatic cover to Israel amid allegations of atrocities, the US risks complicity in war crimes, particularly in its collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.