Recipe 08 – King Prawn Stir Fry

Recipe 8 king prawn stir fry with rice noodles and  Avocado and tomato salad 


  • King prawn (1 packet 300grams)
  • Rice noodles (1/3 of bag)
  • Lemon and lime (small squeeze)
  • Ginger (1)
  • Garlic (1)
  • Red onions (1)
  • Fresh red and green chillies (1 each )
  • Lemon grass paste (1 table spoon)
  • Avocado (1)
  • Small plum Tomatoes (hand full)
  • Parsley (hand full)
  • Sea salt (couple of grinds)
  • Pepper (couple of grinds)


  • Step 1
    Stir fry the Prawns in olive oil adding the cut Garlic and ginger red onions red and green chillies Lemon and lime juice and lemon grass paste. Cook for 4 5 mins until Prawns tender.
  • Step 2
    Boil the rice noodles for 4 5 mins
  • Step 3
    Cut the Avocado into small pieces
    Cut the tomatoes into halves
    Put altogether into a bowl adding the salt and pepper and lemon and lime juice and adding the cut parsley and mix with a drizzle of olive oil
  • Step 4
    Plate the noodles adding the Prawns on top and plating the Avocado Tomato salad on the side.


Carbohydrates (C) = 61g (30%)
Proteins (P) = 75g (37%)
Fats (F) = 28g (32%)
Calories (Cals) = 799 Cals