Recipe 04 – Chicken Breast with Baby Spinach
Pan fried chicken breast with baby Spinach, Avocado and tomato salad
- Chicken breast (1-2 )
- Baby Spinach (1/4 of a bag)
- Sea salt (couple of grinds)
- Pepper (couple of grinds)
- Avocado (1)
- Small plum Tomatoes (hand full)
- Spring onions (2-3 )
- Lemon and lime (small squeeze)
- Olive oil over salad (small sprinkle)
- Corriander (hand full)
- Step 1
Pan fry chicken breast in olive oil for 8 10mins until golden brown on both side - Step 2
Boil the baby Spinach for 3 mins - Step
Cut the Avocado into small pieces
Cut the tomatoes into halves
Cut the spring onions into small pieces
Put altogether into a bowl adding the salt and pepper and lemon and lime juice and adding the cut Corriander and mix with a drizzle of olive oil. - Step 4
Plate the chicken and baby Spinach adding the salad
Carbohydrates (C) = 30g (17%)
Proteins (P) = 55g (31%)
Fats (F) = 41g (52%)
Calories (Cals) = 712 Cals