Recipe 01 – Baked Salmon
Baked Salmon with asparagus, broccoli sprouts and rice
- Salmon fillet (1,2)
- Lemon and lime (Small squeeze)
- Sea salt (couple of grinds,pinches)
- Pepper (couple of grinds,pinches)
- Soy sauce (few shakes)
- Fresh red and green chillies (1)
- Boil in the bag Basmati Rice (1)
- Asparagus tips (10)
- Broccoli sprouts (10)
- Step 1
First start by marinating the salmon in a bowl with the lemon and lime juice, add the sea salt Pepper Soy sauce red and green chillies and smother the salmon completely - Step 2
Place the salmon on foil wrapping it completely and placing it in the oven for 15.20 mins at 180c - Step 3
Cook the boil in the bag rice using box instructions - Step 4
Wash and fry asparagus and Broccoli adding sea salt and pepper if required for 3.4mins - Step 5
Plate asparagus and Broccoli
Add the rice 1/3 of Boil in the bag - Step 6
Remove Salmon. Carefully taking out of foil and onto the plate. Can use the juices in foil to flavour rice if required
Carbohydrates (C) = 61.2g (41%)
Proteins (P) = 40.9g (28%)
Fats (F) = 20.5g (31%)
Calories (Cals) = 593 Cals